From burnout to blossom.

Your journey towards a stress-free & balanced life

Hello dear.

Do you feel stressed and exhausted?
Does the question how to address this stress overwhelm you?

I got you.

Let me support you with my holistic and straight-forward approach.

Let’s make your stress your guide to a more fulfilled life.

Inner peace and balance are waiting for you.

So how do we get there?

I have a variety of offers, including:

Holistic Stress Coaching, Neo Emotional Release, Yoga & Meditation, Soundhealing & Rituals.

My offers

My Holistic Stress Coaching consists of three pillars within which we explore the stress of your present and your past and prepare you for a more stress-free future. I offer:

  • 1:1 Sessions on demand

  • An Intensive 3 month 1:1 Coaching Program

  • Stress Coaching workshops for teams & businesses

Holistic Stress Coaching

Neo Emotional Release

Neo Emotional Release is a powerful holistic method to connect with the body, psyche and the heart. I offer:

  • 1:1 Sessions online or in person

  • A package of three sessions

  • Occasional Events & Workshops

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga & Meditation are powerful tools to reduce stress and restore balance. Through mindful movement and breath, yoga eases tension in the body, while meditation calms the mind and promotes inner peace. I offer:

  • 1:1 Sessions online or in person

  • Business Yoga for teams

  • Yoga Videos on demand

  • Weekly Online Group Class

Soundhealing & Rituals

Soundhealing is a powerful way to restore inner peace via healing sounds and vibrations. I offer:

  • 1:1 Soundhealing sessions in person

  • Group experiences in person

Furthermore I offer Rituals for Connection & Celebration, such as Cacao Rituals and Mama/Family Blessings.

-All my offers are available in English, German, Spanish or French-

Upcoming events

🌀Looking for a way to unwind, recharge and welcome the winter with coziness?

🌀A chance to reflect on the past summer, grow roots for the coming season and get in tune with body and mind?

Join us for four slow hours to sink deeply into body, mind and the changing season and focus fully on comfort and (self)care.

🪐Cacao Ritual, Journaling & Somatic Movement

🪐Yang to Yin Full Body Yoga Class

🪐Sound Journey embedded in Sound Healing & Yoga Nidra

🪐Tea Community Circle with a snack

24.11.24 Day Retreat “Rooted in Comfort”

In einem geschützten Raum beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Thema gesunde Grenzen setzen, dem Zugang zur Emotion Wut und finden in unsere Kraft. Der Workshop richtet sich vor allem an Frauen/FLINTA.

Das Format besteht aus somatischen und Embodiment Übungen als auch Neo Emotional Release (N.E.R.), welches ein ganzheitlicher emotionsbasierter Ansatz ist, der mit den körperlichen Wahrnehmungen arbeitet. Gemeinsam gehen wir in unsere Emotionen und geben diesen Raum. Dafür nutzen wir unter anderem auch Breathwork.

Elemente des Workshops:

-Sharing Circle, Bewegung, Breathwork, Emotionsarbeit, Meditation, Journaling/Reflektion

Dieser Workshop ist für dich, 

-wenn es dir schwerfällt, Grenzen zu setzen  -wenn es dir schwerfällt deine Stimme zu nutzen -wenn du Grenzüberschreitungen verarbeiten möchtest  -wenn du in deine volle Stärke und Power kommen möchtest  -wenn du einen gesunden Zugang zu deinen Emotionen, vor allem der Emotion Wut finden möchtest  -wenn du dich gemeinsam mit anderen Frauen und FLINTA* empowern möchtest

26.01.25 Radiant Release Workshop im Urban Yoga Altona, Hamburg



“Amélie holds the space in such a gentle, intuitive and powerful way. I felt I could really let go and be guided by her soothing voice, prompts and touch. I felt very safe, seen and held and this allowed me to process a lot and be vulnerable.

Amélie has the ability to always gently check-in before going any further or deeper, so I really felt we were working as a team and my boundaries or limitations were always acknowledged and welcomed.

I highly recommend working with Amélie, for me it was a transformative, releasing and powerful experience


“My Neo Emotional Release session with Amélie was a powerful experience which has had a long-lasting effect on my life. Amélie made sure to create a space where I knew that it‘s good for me to be 100% fully myself with every part of my being that exists.

The space felt safe and supported and I was guided by Amélie‘s gentle yet clear voice in every step of the journey. Amélie dedicated her whole being using her hands, voice and wisdom to my healing journey. Her expertise on various healing modalities such as inner child work, allowed abstract processes like diving into the subconscious mind to flow smoothly and with ease - all while being held wholeheartedly. 

Something I love about Amélie‘s work is the importance she puts on integration. After the journey, we spoke about how these insights can be integrated into my being. We also had a follow-up call to check on how the integration process was going and I believe this work wouldn’t have affected me the same without the emphasis that has been put on Integration by Amélie.

This work is healing and creating magic on earth.”


“I did not know of Neo Emotional Release until I met Amélie. While I wasn’t consciously seeking any new therapeutic experience or modality when our paths crossed, I’m grateful to have met her and that I was open to this process.

Aside from her incredibly calming energy, which I was already aware of, the way in which she structured our time together was deliberate without being rigid.

She eased me in and guided me in a really beautiful way. Through talk, breath-work, and touch, I left our session feeling stronger while also more at ease in my skin and surroundings.

Amélie is very intuitive and truly gifted when it comes to making genuine human connections. I highly recommend allowing her to be your guide, no matter what you’re trying to overcome.”


“I am experienced with different healing techniques, but it was my first Neo Emotional Release session and I felt it was particularly powerful with Amélie.  From the moment I laid down, I felt immediately held by Amélie, which intensified the entire experience.

Her soft and clam aura and voice guided me through the session, and I felt so safe. What I liked most, was the slow and gentle process of the entire session. There was no rush, and we took a lot of time and space to explore the body and the different topics that came up.

It was not just about opening up, but also about integrating the experience into daily life, which made me feel even more safe and I believe this holistic approach increased the intensity of my experience.”


“I want to tell you about one of the most comforting and exciting experience I have experienced. To feel the energy of every part of my body, to learn that pleasure is not only physical. By allowing the energy to flow through my body in the session, I experienced different feelings and emotions. 

Throughout the session, I could get to know myself better and let go of emotions, thoughts and energy that were not serving me. I was able to connect with the present, past and future, with my joy and sorrows, with the physical and the spiritual and connect with my heart.

I was guided in this whole process by Amélie who does it in a way that you feel safe and comfortable throughout the whole experience.”


“In my session with Amélie, I had the feeling of an absolute safe space in which my emotions could make their way upwards and were not judged in any way. Amélie was very quickly able to locate my repressed feelings in my body and encourage me to allow them. When I found it difficult to show my anger by shouting, she showed me other ways to express it, such as silent screaming, and also supported me energetically.

We were able to get to the root of my grief and anger and I realised that my inner child carried a lot of pain. At the end of the session, I felt an incredibly intense connection to my inner child, which felt like it took over the whole room and and still makes me tingle when I think about it. For this I am very grateful.”
